Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today our topic is all about the most popular toys in the world and everybody loves toys even teens adults and especially your kids. here are the top five most popular toys in the world.

5.) Hot Wheels a collection of vintage and famous cards design hot wheel may be buy in department store and it is most popular among boys ages 7 years old and up.

4.) Play Doh this is educational toys that allows the children and the user to mold what they are thinking of it is a clay that you can play and create a variety of design that enchanced your child imagination somethins it is required in most school instead of drawing actualization is most important aspect patient, color blending and imagination skills are important aspect in this toys.

3.) Lego it is also an educational toy that allows a child to build a specific ideas on their own. it was an advance and classic toys that design different buildings, house, aircraft, cars, town house sometimes robotics classes use this toys and build for exploration purposes, for example if there's an earthquake and the building collapsed they use this toy for explore the internal building and they out a camera to explore inside and looking for survival person. so that is why it was also known as an advanced toys.

2.)  Rubik Cube it is one mind enhancing and educational game that has six side with different colors that at allow a children to shuffle and arrange the color in ordered the goal of this toys is to arrange the right color to different sides in short period of time by just twisting and rotating

1.)Barbie is popular in every part of the world girls loves to play their barbie but this toys was to expensive to buy that sometimes parents cant afford to buy this one o give to their child the concept of this toy was to play, brush her hair dress up if you have a daughter this is applicable gift that you can give to your child .

Ice cream is the most popular in the world in terms of food. many ideas from now a days were released in order to attract their customers in most common is you scoop the ice cream and put up to the cone as many flavors as you  want, but the most basic is three scoop of ice cream with different flavors and you eat it by just use of your tongue to lick to it. Some ice cream in now a days put in a cute tin plate together with a spoon, some are in glass most of them are clear glass used basically champagne or wine glass transparency and good looking add to a persons appetite.some ice cream form now are put in fruit shell and some are place with covered cup, some ice cream puts a twist like adding a mallow or sprinkles to it and some bread put ice cream in the middle serves as spread.  Here are the top five popular ice cream flavor you've ever taste. chocolate, strawberry, mango, vanilla, and cookies and cream
Everybody know that sailor uniform suit is the most popular school uniform in the world it was based on the anime sailor moon. the concept of this school uniform was very cute looking and neat. Asian girl and anime lover loves to wear this kind of suit. It was originated from japan the worlds lead in anime creation.

 Sailor suit was also popular to young girls especially kids sometimes it was applicable to the slim type body proportion.
Many High school from now a days was selecting this kind of uniform because of elegant in look.

You can buy this kind of suit in online store or you can make it on your own just be sure that you are happy and confident in what you wear.

Many business store especially in food or restaurant was require their employee to wear this as their uniform for further attraction to the customers and unique in terms.

Monday, January 12, 2015

        There are lots of color to choose from. but did you know that the color blue is the most color uniform. company, school and different job represent their proficiency on what the color of their uniform used. for example it is obviously that the color of the medical related job is white it symbolized cleanliness and purity to their work.
       There are other popular color uniform that most used this are black that any skin color will looking good at it, the color red that most office job used especially girl, the green color sa nature color and the white

If theres a Most theres a worst color uniform violet or purple is the worst color uniform, it represents heavy burden, cry and fall down and sadness. it cannot catch the attention easily and it was not quite good looking.