Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Today our topic is all about the most popular toys in the world and everybody loves toys even teens adults and especially your kids. here are the top five most popular toys in the world.

5.) Hot Wheels a collection of vintage and famous cards design hot wheel may be buy in department store and it is most popular among boys ages 7 years old and up.

4.) Play Doh this is educational toys that allows the children and the user to mold what they are thinking of it is a clay that you can play and create a variety of design that enchanced your child imagination somethins it is required in most school instead of drawing actualization is most important aspect patient, color blending and imagination skills are important aspect in this toys.

3.) Lego it is also an educational toy that allows a child to build a specific ideas on their own. it was an advance and classic toys that design different buildings, house, aircraft, cars, town house sometimes robotics classes use this toys and build for exploration purposes, for example if there's an earthquake and the building collapsed they use this toy for explore the internal building and they out a camera to explore inside and looking for survival person. so that is why it was also known as an advanced toys.

2.)  Rubik Cube it is one mind enhancing and educational game that has six side with different colors that at allow a children to shuffle and arrange the color in ordered the goal of this toys is to arrange the right color to different sides in short period of time by just twisting and rotating

1.)Barbie is popular in every part of the world girls loves to play their barbie but this toys was to expensive to buy that sometimes parents cant afford to buy this one o give to their child the concept of this toy was to play, brush her hair dress up if you have a daughter this is applicable gift that you can give to your child .


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