Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ice cream is the most popular in the world in terms of food. many ideas from now a days were released in order to attract their customers in most common is you scoop the ice cream and put up to the cone as many flavors as you  want, but the most basic is three scoop of ice cream with different flavors and you eat it by just use of your tongue to lick to it. Some ice cream in now a days put in a cute tin plate together with a spoon, some are in glass most of them are clear glass used basically champagne or wine glass transparency and good looking add to a persons appetite.some ice cream form now are put in fruit shell and some are place with covered cup, some ice cream puts a twist like adding a mallow or sprinkles to it and some bread put ice cream in the middle serves as spread.  Here are the top five popular ice cream flavor you've ever taste. chocolate, strawberry, mango, vanilla, and cookies and cream


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